This is an early version of a collection of resources for studying the Luddites. It takes an expansive reading of Luddism, including resources on adjacent methods of technological resistance, the history of technology and contemporary technological automation.
A great annotated Luddite library including many of the books listed below is available from: Librarian Shipreck.
A few links to online resources for starters:
- ‘Is It O.K. To Be A Luddite?’ Thomas Pynchon
- On Sabotage R.H. Lossin
- The Luddites Were Onto Something, Devin Thomas O’Shea. Jacobin, 2023
- Luddite Bicentenary an excellent blog of collected historical records and resources.
- This Machine Kills, Jathan Sadowski and Edward Ongweso Jr., Produced by Jereme Brown (podcast)
- blog
- wreckage/salvage, Erin Kissane
- Left to Our Own Devices, Emily Gorcenski
- No Tech Magazine
contributions are welcome and can be sent to gg[at]
the table below can be sorted by clicking on column headers
Title | Author(s) | Publisher | Published |
Deep Time of the Media | Siegfried Zielinski | MIT Press | 2006 |
Against the Day | Thomas Pynchon | Jonathan Cape | 2006 |
Blockchain Chicken Farm | Xiaowei Wang | Farrar, Straus and Giroux | 2020 |
Neither Settler nor Native | Mahmood Mamdani | Harvard University Press | 2020 |
A People's Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics | Hadas Thier | Haymarket Books | 2018 |
Race After Technology | Ruha Benjamin | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 2019 |
Aesthetic Programming | Geoff Cox, Winnie Soon | Open Humanities Press | 2020 |
Debt | David Graeber | Melville House | 2011 |
Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right about Why You Hate Your Job | Gavin Mueller | Verso | 2021 |
Dismantlings | Matt Tierney | Cornell University Press | 2019 |
Geology of Media | Jussi Parikka | University of Minnesota Press | 2015 |
Tools For Conviviality | Ivan Illich | Harper and Row | 1973 |
We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself | Isabelle Fremeaux & Jay Jordan | Pluto Press | 2021 |
The Real World of Technology (CBC Massey Lecture) | Ursula M. Franklin | House of Anansi Press | 1999 |
The Solutions are Already Here | Peter Gelderloos | Pluto Press | 2021 |
What is Media Archaeology? | Jussi Parikka | Polity Press | 2012 |
Half-Earth Socialism | Troy Vettese & Drew Pendergrass | Verso Books | 2022 |
the undersea network | nicole starosielski | Duke University Press | 2015 |
Fire on the Mountain | Terry Bisson | PM Press | 2009 |
Progress Without People New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance | David F. Noble | Between The Lines | 1995 |
The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House | Audre Lorde | Penguin Books Ltd | 2017 |
Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization (Leonardo Books) | Alexander R. Galloway | MIT Press | 2004 |
Resisting AI | Dan McQuillan | Bristol University Press | 2022 |
Planetary Mine | Martin Arboleda | Verso Books | 2020 |
The Truth of the Technological World | Friedrich Kittler | Stanford University Press | 2013 |
The Making of the English Working Class | E. P. Thompson | Penguin Books Ltd | 2017 |
Live Coding | Alan F. Blackwell, Emma Cocker, Geoff Cox, Alex McLean & Thor Magnusson | The MIT Press | 2022 |
Revolution at Point Zero | Silvia Federici | PM Press | 2012 |
Writings of the luddites | Kevin Binfield | John Hopkins University Press | 2004 |
Reformation to Industrial Revolution | Christopher Hill | Verso Books | 2018 |
Scorched Earth | Jonathan Crary | Verso Books | 2022 |
Ned Ludd & Queen Mab | Peter Linebaugh | PM Press | 2013 |
The Network Society | Manuel Castells | Edward Elgar | 2004 |
Post-Growth Living | Kate Soper | Verso | 2020 |
Albion's fatal tree : crime and society in eighteenth-century England | Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh, John G. Rule, E.P. Thompson, Cal Winslow | Random House | 1975 |
Pedagogy of the Oppressed | Freire, Paulo; Bergman Ramos, Myra; | Bloomsbury Publishing | 2014 |
Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance | Peter Linebaugh | PM Press | 2014 |
Media Ecologies: Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture | Matthew Fuller | The MIT Press | 2005 |
Feminism and Empire: Women Activists in Imperial Britain, 1790–1865 | Clare Midgley | Routledge | 2007 |
Palo Alto | Malcolm Harris | Little, Brown and Company | 2023 |
Cobalt Red | Siddharth Kara | St. Martin's Publishing Group | 2022 |
War and Cinema | Paul Virilio | Verso | 2009 |
A Guerrilla Guide to Refusal | Culp, Andrew; | University of Minnesota Press | 2022 |
The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind | James Boyle | Project Gutenberg | 2008 |
Zeros and Ones | Sadie Plant | Fourth Estate | 1997 |
Against Technology | Steven E Jones | Routledge | 2006 |
When Computers Were Human | David Alan Grier | Princeton University Press | 2005 |
Women in Protest 1800-1850 | Malcolm I. Thomis, Jennifer Grimmett | Routledge | 2020 |
Ben o’ Bill’s, The Luddite A Yorkshire Tale | Daniel Frederick Edward Sykes George Henry Walker | BRUISE | 2023 |
The Risings of the Luddites | Frank Peel | Routledge | 2019 |
The Political Possibility of Sound: Fragments of Listening | Salomé Voegelin | Bloomsbury Academic | 2019 |
R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) / A Fantastic Melodrama in Three Acts and an Epilogue | Karel Čapek | Doubleday | 1923 |
Electronic Civil Disobedience and Other Unpopular Ideas | Critical Art Ensemble | Autonomedia | 1996 |
The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation around the World | Antony Loewenstein | Verso | 2023 |
The Machine Stops | E. M. Forster | Archibald Constable | 1909 |
Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital | Søren Mau | Verso | 2023 |
Policing the Planet | Jordan T. Camp & Christina Heatherton | Verso Books | 2016 |
Blood in the Machine | Brian Merchant | Little, Brown and Company | 2023 |
Low power to the people : pirates, protest, and politics in FM radio activism | Dunbar-Hester, Christina | The MIT Press | 2014 |
Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life | Adam Greenfield | Verso | 2017 |
Re-enchanting the World | Silvia Federici | PM Press | 2019 |
Empire | Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri | Harvard Univ Pr | 2000 |
The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence | Matteo Pasquinelli | Verso | 2023 |
Sex and Broadcasting | Lorenzo W. Milam | Dover Publications | 2017 |
Fossil Capital | Andreas Malm | Verso Books | 2016 |
Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgement to Calculation | Joseph Weizenbaum | W. H. Freeman and Company | 1976 |
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists | Robert Tressell | Grant Richards Ltd. | 1914 |
The History of Disruption | Mehmet Döşemeci | Verso | 2024 |
The Mechanic and The Luddite | Jathan Sadowski | University of California Press | 2025 |
Pirate Care | Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars & Tomislav Medak | Vagabonds | 2025 |
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