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book club

a diagram of what book club means to us

book club is a weekly meetup for Leicester based artists interested in code, net art, digital technologies etc.

We've been reading through Aesthetic Programming by Geoff Cox and Winnie Soon (2020). This is available to download or read online (free) or buy here.

This book includes exercises that will teach us about programming with javascript - mostly using p5.js. It also encourages us to think about what coding means.

We use this book to loosely structure the discussion, and bring in other texts as well. Recently we've been playing a lot with web audio, synths and beginning to connect our p5 code to Arduino hardware.

We meet at a coffee shop on Friday afternoons 2-4pm.

Please email gg@bruise.in if you have been sent this link by a current participant and would like to join.

"The book explores the technical as well as cultural imaginaries of programming from its insides. It follows the principle that the growing importance of software requires a new kind of cultural thinking — and curriculum — that can account for, and with which to better understand the politics and aesthetics of algorithmic procedures, data processing and abstraction. It takes a particular interest in power relations that are relatively under-acknowledged in technical subjects, concerning class and capitalism, gender and sexuality, as well as race and the legacies of colonialism." [https://aesthetic-programming.net/]

Chapter Notes/Hintes

Chapter 1: Getting Started (0)

The suggested software, Atom is no longer supported. A popular alternative to consider is VS Code. This software is developed by Microsoft. This supports a live server environment, similar to the one described in Aesthetic Programming.

After installing and opening VS Code:

Click the “extensions” button or from the menu bar, Code > Settings > Extensions

In the search bar type Live Server.

Several options will appear. I'm using the one by [Ritwick Dey](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer). Click install.

After installation you may need to restart VS Code.

From the menu bar, File > Open folder and click on the template p5 directory.

The words “Go Live” should be visible in the bottom right of the window frame.

Click this to begin a server from the directory you have open.

This should automatically open a browser window at the location your directory is being served to.

Chapter 1: Getting Started (1)

Working with local coding environments and using Gitlab isn't practical. We initially made use of the web editor provided by p5. Using a shared login we created sketches along with readme files that could be read between sessions.

At some point we started working more frequently within Glitch. This allowed us to start bringing in some other frameworks, but more importantly work collaboratively, synchronously within project files.

categories: text code

~gg 02/24
